Prayer Request

To Our Fire / First Responder Family,

In the wake of Helene’s destruction, and the countless other stressful events swirling around, I’d like to take a minute to recognize that almost none of us are equipped to handle such tragedies, especially if you’re the one on rescues or body recoveries, or the one at home trying to keep everything together while your spouse is gone.

We can offer the one thing we can., anytime anywhere.… Prayer.

There’s a lot to unload, and try to understand, but we a guy who can help! 😏

(Yeah, it’s that Jesus guy)

Here’s a couple options:

Option 1-
Written Prayer Request

If you’re just wanting someone to pray FOR you, send in a written prayer request and Cody and I, with our team, will be praying at home for you.

Option 2-
Call/Text Prayer Request

If you just want someone to talk to, to pray with and unload, we’d be more than willing to be your sounding board and get Jesus involved. We can do this through calls or texts, choose what you are comfortable with!

We are not certified in anything, but if you know us, then you know we care deeply and will respect your privacy. I am also open to helping other family members or some close community members.

If they are looking for it, or you know they need it… please pass along the QR code/link.

We want to help, and be of service. Please reach out and we will keep it confidential.

We love you & we’re here.

The Trestrails (Cody and Andrea) and your prayer team.